We are closed on 9 and 10 May during the Ascension weekend.
ergocorner Heering Office Den Haag


What means the word ergonomy?

Ergonomy is the applied science of equipment design and the use of the ergonomic design by people in relation to their environment. Ergonomics permeates our daily lives, but is well known in working situations. Working in an ergonomic environment will benefit the safety and health of employees.

Workplace research

The average person does not exist. This means that the workplace must be adjusted individually. The better the workplace is adapted to the individual employee and his tasks, the better his performance will be. Our advisors can do a workplace reseach to determine whether your workplace is well-equiped. You will also receive a personal workplace passport. This is a document in which we store the personal settings of your workplace, such as your desk height, chair height and monitor height. Once you have found the right ergonomic workplace, our consultants will give you ergonomic advice so that your ergonomic desk chair and your ergonomic desk are set to the right positions.

ergocorner Heering Office Den Haag

ergocorner Heering Office Den Haag

Ergonomic workplace

At many companies, the workplace is not geared to the employee and his tasks; this will lead to slipping performance. Body posture and working techniques will increase by the right arrangement and adjustment of the ergonomic workplace. Simple tips and minor adjustments at the ergonomic workplace will often lead to major changes with immediate noticeable results.

We want you to experience ergonomics!

At Heering Office we want you to experience ergonomics in our ergo corner. You can experience and feel how your posture and working techniques can be improved. Try our ergonomic desk chairs at our ergonomic desks and experience how you can improve your posture in combination with using our ergonomic products such as an ergonomic mouse, an ergonomic keyboard and a laptop stand. These ergonomic products will significantly contribute to your ergonomic working environment.

ergocorner Heering Office Den Haag

ergocorner Heering Office Den Haag

Do you want to experience ergonomics?

visit us!