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Drentea kantoormeubilair Den Haag kantine Heering Office

Canteen and restaurant furniture

An informal meeting spot is important for staff. A place where you can meet your colleagues in a different light, where you can catch up with one another and chat about work or all kinds of other things.

A functional canteen with solid furniture or a hip staff cafetaria with designer chairs?

Whether you choose a traditional canteen with low canteen tables and chairs or a functional company restaurant with so-called trendy coupé sofas in a fixed booth style, Heering Office will ensure that you get the perfect personal solution that meets your requirements.

Heering Office can support you by transforming your tradional canteen into a social meeting point where very often creative solutions are thought up.

Wide collection of canteen and restaurant furniture

Take a look at the overview with just a few examples from our wide collection of canteen furniture designed by Dum, FP Collection, Heering HuislijnRBMSedus, Senator.

RBM Noor Kantinemeubilair Heering Office Den Haag

RBM stapelbaar kantinemeubilair Heering Office Den Haa

More information?

Drentea kantoormeubilair Den Haag kantine Heering Office

Looking for furniture for your canteen or restaurant?

Take a look at our collection!