We are closed on 9 and 10 May during the Ascension weekend.
HÅG Capisco kantoormeubelen werkplek ergonomie Den Haag Heering Office


When your working room is well equiped your productivity will increase and physical complaints will decrease. Body posture and work techniques can be improved by a good arrangement and setting of the workplace. Is your workplace well laid out?

What is a health and safety check?

A small health and safety check of your workplace concerns the setting of the correct height of your ergonomic desk, the correct setting of your ergonomic desk chair and the correct distance and height of your screen. Adjustments to your desk chair or desk height are made immediately if possible. During an extensive health and safety check the personal working environment of the employee will be checked. This includes the lighting, acoustics and the setting of the working room. The working posture of the employee and the setting of the working room will be observed and analyzed and recommendations for improvement will result. Major adjustments and recommendations of purchasing some ergonomic products will be reported to the employer.

Workplace passport

In addition to the health and safety check you will receive a personal workplace passport. This is a personal document in which we store the individual settings of your workplace, such as your desk height, chair height and monitor height. Moreover, attention will also be paid to the legal instructions and working conditions guidelines.

Ergo corner

In our ergocorner you can try and experience all products we have suggested in our advice. Come in and take a look at our ergo corner at Zoutmanstraat 30-36, The Hague and experience and feel how your posture and work techniques can be improved. You can try our ergonomic desk chairs and our ergonomic desks. Once you have found the chair of your dreams, you can ask for a try-out for a longer period of time at your own workplace. In our ergo corner you can also test our ergonomic products, such as an ergonomic mouse, an ergonomic keyboard or a laptop stand.

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HAG kantoormeubilair ergonomie Den Haag Heering Office

HÅG Capisco kantoormeubelen werkplek ergonomie Den Haag Heering Office

Do you want to make an appointment?
