Buzzi Space akoestische vloer - akoestiek Heering Office Den Haag

Acoustic floors

Looking for sound-proof floor covering?

If you are looking for sound-proof floor covering for your meeting room, workplace or reception area, acoustic floors will be a solution. Our sound-deadening floor coverings and floor elements can be ordered in various types, sizes and colors. The various options in designs will create a fresh look and will improve acoustics in your office or workplace. Choose the acoustic floors from Heering Office for using a floor both functionally and decoratively.

Buzzi Space akoestische vloer - akoestiek Heering Office Den Haag

Buzzi Space akoestische vloer - akoestiek Heering Office Den Haag 2

Buzzi Space akoestische vloer - akoestiek Heering Office Den Haag


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