We are closed on 9 and 10 May during the Ascension weekend.
Mikomax ontvangstmeubilair - receptie Heering Office Den Haag 3


Mikomax for a total solution at an affordable price

The interior of your reception has a major impact on the first impression of customers entering your company.

It is therefore important to ensure a reception where both employee and customer are satisfied. Mikomax distinguishes itself through the design of the products, the top quality of the service and offering total solutions at an affordable price. Heering Office supplies Mikomax reception furniture. From reception and counter furniture to reception furniture such as flexible seating elements.

Mikomax ontvangstmeubilair - receptie Heering Office Den Haag 3

Mikomax ontvangstmeubilair - receptie Heering Office Den Haag 2

Mikomax ontvangstmeubilair - receptie Heering Office Den Haag 3


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